On this map are displayed uploaded data of white-tailed eagle observations. You can set an optional period by the Start Date and the Final Date values. You can enter the dates (yyyy-mm-dd) or you can use a calendar to choose the appropriate dates clicking on the calendar icon. If you want to display for each age groups separately, select the proper age in the Age drop-down menu! If all values are filled then click OK.
For further information read the text under the map! The rest of the database is available by using the top left Menu.

Start Date Final Date Age


The red circles show the number of observed eagles of UTM squares (10 x 10 km) in the above set period. The data listed in categories, the larger circles indicating more uploaded numbers of observed eagles.
Clicking on the circles a text will pop-up showing uploaded data of the period. If you are interested in the all data of the given UTM then click on More details >>>

Some information about the map moving
+ You can zoom in or out on the Google map by the upper-left corner (+/-) buttons and "Slider", or by the mouse wheel.
+ You can move the map in any direction by moving the mouse and pressing left button simultaneously or clicking on the arrows at the upper left corner.