- This table shows the uploaded raw data of the breeding and breeding attempts.
- If you want to load data into the database, you must register. To register click on the following link: Registration>>
- If you forget your password, then click on the link below, you may request a temporary password: I forgot my password.
- If you have already registered, just click on the link Login above.
- If you have problems or questions about the database ask our colleagues in the nagy.zsolt@mme.hu email address!
- For security reasons, the database is automatically left after a while, if don't detect activity. In this case, you must re-enter.
- Before using, please read the instructions below!
Users guide
- If you are logged in, you can upload new monitoring data, conducted by you or by other observers.
- At the first time, it's recommended to read instructions!
- If you want to modify your own data, you must click on the symbol ont he right side. If you want to delete your data, you must click on the delete symbol .
- If photos were taken on one of the breeding, the last column displays an icon. Clicking on that icon the gallery of related images can be viewed.
- To sort click on the name of the column. Write value (numeric or text) to the search field to filter data.
- The number written in the box under the table can adjust how many rows you want to see on a page. Click the (=) symbol if the number is entered.
Wich data to upload to the breeding database?
If you have problems or questions about the database ask our colleagues in the nagy.zsolt@mme.hu email address!